Zimbra Web Client Help (2024)

Scheduling Appointments, Meetings, and Events

You can create single or recurring appointments, meetings and events. Whilecreating an appointment you can see if attendees are free before invitingthem, reserve a room and equipment and write a message that is sent with theinvite.

Activities you schedule include:

  • Appointments. An appointment is an activity that you schedule thatdoes not include other people or resources. When you schedule anappointment, no email is sent to confirm the appointment. You can setrecurring appointments. QuickAdd can be used to quickly create anappointment.

  • Events. An event is an activity that lasts all day. Events do notdisplay as time on the calendar, they appear as banner at the top ofthe calendar schedule.

  • Meetings. Meetings are appointments that include other people. Whenyou create a meeting, you select attendees and resources and send anemail invitation to them. You can reschedule meetings and set uprecurring meetings.

Creating an Appointment Quickly

The QuickAdd option makes it easy to quickly create an appointment foryourself.

The QuickAdd feature is an option. If you would prefer to always open theAppointment page when you double-click or drag on the calendar, disable thisfeature from your Calendar Preferences.
  1. Right-click on either the mini-calendar or the start time in one of yourcalendar views. You can select to create a New Appointment or a New AllDay Appointment.

  2. In the Subject text box, add a brief description of the meeting. The textadded here becomes the description in the calendar.

  3. In the Location text box enter where the meeting is. If the location is inthe company directory, when you start to type, locations that match arelisted. You can also click Suggest a location to see a list of availablelocations in your company

  4. In the Display drop down menu, select the Free/Busy option for thisappointment.

  5. If this appointment should be added to a calendar other than the defaultCalendar, select the calendar.

  6. In the Mark As drop down select where the appointment is private orpublic. Details about events that are marked private do not display in agrantee’s shared calendar. Only the start and end time, duration, recurrenceinformation, and the organizer’s identity are shown in the shared calendar.

  7. Define the start and end day and time. If the appointment is recurring, inRepeat, select the how often this appointment should be scheduled.

  8. (Optional) If you want to add other attendees, schedule a resource, or addnotes to the appointment, click More Details.

  9. Click OK.

Creating a Meeting from the Appointment Page

You can create an appointment from the Calendar tab.

  1. On the Calendar header, click New Appointment.

  2. If the From field displays above the Subject line, you created more thanone persona for your account. Select the identity to use when creating thisappointment.

  3. In the Subject text box, add a brief description of the meeting. The textadded here becomes the description in the calendar.

  4. Define the start and end day and time. If the appointment is recurring, inRepeat, select the how often this appointment should be scheduled. SelectAll day to make this appointment all day.

  5. In the Attendees text box, type the email addresses, separating addressesby a semicolon (;). As you enter names, the Scheduler opens and theattendees' free/busy information is displayed.

    To help you find a time when all attendees are available, click Suggest atime. A calendar displays with the availability. As you enter attendeenames, the scheduling tool begins to suggest times that all the attendeesare available.

    If an attendee has set a preference to allow only certain users to seefree/busy information and you are excluded from the list, you cannot viewthe free/busy schedule

    If some attendees are not required to be at the meeting, but you want toinvite them, select Show Optional and type email address in the field. Youcan also do this in the Scheduler. Click the icon next to the name andselect Optional Attendee. When the invite is sent, their names are listedas optional.

  6. In the Location text box enter where the meeting is. If the location is inthe company directory, when you start to type, locations that match arelisted. You can also click Suggest a location to see a list of availablelocations in your company.

  7. Click Show Equipment if you want to reserve equipment resources that havebeen identified in your company’s directory.

  8. In the Display, select the Free/Busy option for this appointment, whichcalendar the appointment should be added to, and whether this appointmentshould be marked as Private.

  9. In the Reminder drop-down menu, set an alarm notification to remind of theappointment.

  10. To receive a notification of this meeting, check the appropriate box,Email or SMS. If you have not configured a notification method, clickConfigure to go to thePreference>Notificationspage to set this up.

  11. In the text box below Scheduler, type an email message that is included inthe appointment invitation. To add attachments, click the paperclip icon onthe toolbar.

  12. The default is to ask the attendees to reply to your invitation. If you donot want a response from the attendees, in the Calendar toolbar, clickOptions>Request Response to remove the check mark.

  13. If you do not want to send the invite out at this time, clickSave. Otherwise click Send.

Scheduling an All-Day Appointment

You can use the calendar to schedule an all day appointment, which is calledan event.

  1. On the Calendar header, click New Appointment.

  2. If the From field displays above the Subject line, you created more thanone persona for your account. Select the identity to use when creating thisappointment.

  3. In the Subject text box, add a brief description of the meeting. The textadded here becomes the description in the calendar.

  4. Select All day and select the start and stop date.

  5. In the Attendees text box, type the email addresses, separating addresses bya semicolon (;). As you enter names, the Scheduler opens and the attendeesfree/busy information is displayed.

    To help you find a time when all attendees are available, click Suggest atime. A calendar displays with the availability. As you enter attendeenames, the scheduling tool begins to suggest times that all the attendeesare available.

    If an attendee has set a preference to allow only certain users to seefree/busy information and you are excluded from the list, you cannot viewthe free/busy schedule

    If some attendees are not required to be at the meeting, but you want toinvite them, select Show Optional and type email address in the field. Youcan also do this in the Scheduler. Click the icon next to the name andselect Optional Attendee. When the invite is sent, their names are listed asoptional.

  6. In the Location text box enter where the meeting is. If the location is inthe company directory, when you start to type, locations that match arelisted. You can also click Suggest a location to see a list of availablelocations in your company

  7. In the Display, select the Free/Busy option for this appointment, whichcalendar the appointment should be added to, and whether this appointmentshould be marked as Private.

  8. Reminder. Set an alarm notification to remind invitees of theappointment.

  9. If you configured an email address or SMS alert in yourPreferences>Notifications page, check the appropriate box, Email orSMS. If you have not configured a notification, click Configure to goto the ,Notificationspage to set this up.

  10. In the text box below Scheduler, type an email message that is included inthe appointment invitation. To add attachments, click the paperclip icon onthe toolbar.

  11. The default is to ask the attendees to reply to your invitation. If you donot want a response from the attendees, in the appointment toolbar, clickOptions>Request Response to remove the check mark.

  12. If you do not want to send the invite out at this time, clickSave. Otherwise click Send.

Quick Appointments from the Mini Calendar

  • Right click on the mini-calendar and select New Appointment or New AllDay Appointment. The QuickAdd Appointment dialog box opens.

Using Email Messages to Set Up Meetings

You can quickly create a meeting request by dragging and dropping a message,conversation to a date on the mini-calendar. When you drag and drop amessage or conversation, the information in the message is used to populatemany of the fields on the Appointment page.

  1. Click a specific message or conversation and drag it to a date on themini-calendar.

  2. The Add Attendees dialog opens The appointment page opens with many of thefields populated from information in the message.

    • The Subject of the appointment is the subject of the message.

    • The attendees are all the email addresses in the To: and Cc: fields of themessage, or the most recent message in conversations. When you drag acontact from your contacts lists the mini-calendar, the contact’s firstemail address is added to the attendee field.

    • The text of the message becomes the text of the invitation. Messageattachments are not attached to the appointment request.

  3. In the appointment page, review the meeting request details and make anynecessary changes.

  4. Set the time for the meeting, and, if this meeting recurs, set anyrecurrence.

  5. Click Send.

Create a Meeting Request From a Contact

  1. Click on a name from your Contacts>Contact lists address book and drag thename to a date on the mini-calendar. The appointment page opens with thecontact name in the Attendees field.

  2. Enter the subject, location, time, and other attendees. if this meetingrecurs, set any recurrence.

  3. Click OK to send the invitation.

Scheduling an Appointment Within an Email Message

Within an email message, certain text is interpreted as a date and triggersthe ability to right-click to create an appointment. Text such as "today","tomorrow", a day of the week (i.e. "Thursday"), or an exact date arehighlighted in messages.

  1. Hover the mouse over this type of text to see if you have an appointmentscheduled.

  2. Click on the highlighted text to open your calendar.

  3. Create the appointment.

Creating an Appointment from an Existing Appointment

You can create appointment similar to an existing appointment and theexisting attendees, location, notes and recurrent pattern can be quickly setup for new dates and times. You can also modify any of the informationbefore sending the invite.

  1. Right-click on the appointment to copy and select Create a Copy. Theappointment compose page opens with all the information of the copiedmeeting added to the appointment page.

  2. To create an appointment exactly as the one you copied, but on another date,you only need to change the start and end date.

  3. Make any other changes to attendees, location, text, etc.

  4. Click Send and a invite is sent to attendees and the appointment is addedto your calendar.

Using the Scheduling Tool to View Location Availability

The Calendar scheduling tool can assist you with finding the next-availablefree times and meeting locations across your organization. You can set uppreferences for preferred meeting times, buildings, location and room size.

As you enter attendee names, the scheduling tool begins to suggest times andlocations in the Overview pane. You also have the option to look for alocation for your meeting before adding attendees. If you set up yourlocation preferences, only these locations are displayed.

Using the Scheduling Tool to Set Location Preferences

If you always want to reserve rooms that are in a specific location, you canuse the Suggested Location tool in the Calendar application to suggest theavailability of those rooms when you create an appointment.

  1. In the New Appointment page, click Suggest a location.

  2. In the pane that opens, click the gear icon.

  3. In the Suggestion Preferences dialog box, Location Preferences sectionenter the information about the location. You can enter just the name of thelocation, or you can be more specific.

  4. Click OK.

The column on the right displays locations that meet your requirements. Roomlocations are displayed if they have been configured in the companydirectory.

Once you set this up for an appointment, this information is saved andavailable when you make other appointments.

Using the Scheduling Tool to Find Attendee Availability

When you schedule meetings, you can check to see when attendees are busy orfree so you can find a good time for all attendees to meet. As you addattendees to the Attendees field, a suggestion panel in the Overview paneshows availability in 30 minute time slots for the attendees.

The default time preference is to suggest time within your working hours andwithin the attendee’s working hours.

  • Only include my working hours. This is the work week and hours you set inyour Calendar preferences.

  • Only include other attendee’s working hours. When searching for a locationit takes into consideration everyone’s working hours.

You can change this.

  1. In the New Appointment page, click Suggest a time.

  2. In the Suggest Times pane that opens, click the gear icon.

  3. Deselect the boxes you do not want used to calculate attendee availability.

  4. If is a recurring meeting, select how many instance of the recurring meetingan attendee should be available.

  5. Click OK.

View Availability in the Mini-Calendar

The mini-calendar suggests attendee availability by color code.

  • Green in the calendar are the days that all attendees and at least onelocation is available.

  • Red means more than half of the attendees cannot attend the meeting on thosedays.

Scheduling Equipment

When you set up a meeting and schedule equipment for use in the meeting, youselect the equipment and “invite” it to the meeting. The equipment resourceaccount receives the invite and if it is free, accepts the meeting.

Administrators set up equipment accounts and configure the equipment’sscheduling policy. A meeting can be declined if the equipment already has ameeting scheduled for that time. In some cases, the equipment schedulingpolicy is set up to allow the equipment to accept dates in recurringmeetings even if there are conflicts. You receive an email showing whichdates conflict.

Configure Your Default Meeting Duration

If most of the meetings you schedule are for the same period of time, youcan set this in your preferences. When you set the start time, the end timeis automatically set based on the setting.

  • Go to Preferences>Calendar and in the Default appointment durationdrop-down menu select the number of minutes your meetings usually run.

Changing an Appointment or Meeting

You can change meeting or appointment information. If you created arecurring meeting, you can change one occurrence or the series of meetings.

You can select to send or not send an email to attendees to update themeeting details.

  1. Double-click on the meeting that you want to change.

    If the meeting is recurring, the Open Recurring Item dialog opens.

    You can change either a single instance of a recurring meeting or the entireseries.

  2. Click OK to open the Appointment page.

  3. Change any information necessary.

  4. The default is to ask the attendees to reply to your invitation. If you donot want a response from the attendees, in the Calendar toolbar, clickOptions>Request Response to remove the check mark.

  5. Click Send to send the revised meeting details to the attendees.

Move All Day Events to a New Day

  • To change the date for an all day event, in the Calendar view select theevent and drag it to the new date.

Forward a Meeting Invite

You can forward invite emails you receive.

  1. In Calendar view, select the appointment to forward

  2. Right-click the appointment and select Instance or Series, and selectForward Instance.

  3. In the email that opens, enter the forwarding addresses, add any comments tothe Compose text area and click Send.

Resend an Meeting Invitation

As the organizer of a meeting you can resend a meeting invitation.

  • In Calendar view, right-click a meeting that you organized and selectRe-invite Attendees. The invitation is immediately re-sent to allattendees.

Cancelling a Meeting

If you created a meeting, you can cancel it. If you created a recurringmeeting, you can delete one occurrence or the entire series. An email issent to attendees to inform them of the cancelled meeting. Deleting ameeting is permanent; you cannot undo the deletion.

Only the originator of an appointment can cancel the appointment. Attendeescan remove the appointment from their own calendars, but they cannot cancelthe entire appointment.
  1. In the calendar view, right-click the meeting and select Cancel. Aconfirmation box appears.

  2. Click Edit Message to edit the email sent to attendees. Click Send tosend the cancellation message.

The appointment is immediately removed from your calendar. An email is sentto the attendees, and the appointment is deleted from their calendars.

Delete One Meeting in a Series

  1. Right-click on the appointment and select Instance.

  2. Select Delete Instance.

  3. When deleting an instance, click Edit Message to edit the email sent toattendees. Click Send to send the cancellation message.

The appointment is immediately removed from your calendar. An email is sentto the attendees, and the appointment is deleted from their calendars.

Delete All Meetings in a Series

  1. Right-click on the appointment and select Series.

  2. Select Delete Series.

  3. Select either to delete all occurrences of the meeting from your calendar(both past dates and future dates) or to delete all references from thisdate and future dates. Click Yes.

  4. Click Edit Message to edit the email sent to attendees. Click Send tosend the cancellation message.

The appointment is immediately removed from your calendar. An email is sentto the attendees, and the appointment is deleted from their calendars. Youcannot undo a delete.

Printing an Appointment or Meeting

You can print the appointment details.

  1. Open the appointment.

  2. Click the Print icon on the toolbar.

  3. Click OK.

Send Invites to Attendees in Different Time Zones

If the time zone is displayed in the appointment page, it reflects the timezone that you are in. You usually do not need to change this. When youschedule meetings with attendees in different time zones, the invitation issent reflecting the meeting time in their time zone. For example, if youcreate a meeting with attendees in California and New York, the invitationdisplays Pacific time for attendees in California and Eastern time (threehours later) for attendees in New York.

Send Your Free/busy Status to Others

You can email a link of your free/busy status that shows appointments inyour personal and shared calendars.

  1. Click the Calendar tab.

  2. In the Calendar Overview pane, click the gear icon.

  3. Click Send Free & Busy Link As and select to send the information aseither HTML, ICS, or an ICS Event.

  4. In the Compose Email page that opens complete the address and subjectline. The calendar link is in the text area. Add more information if youwant.

  5. Click Send to send the email to the users.

The recipients can click the link to view your schedule. Your calendarupdates itself for the recipients when you add new events to your calendars.

Display Your Free/Busy Information

The free/busy feature allows others to see meeting times scheduled on yourcalendars. The free/busy feature is on by default, but you can turn it offor limit who can see the information.

  1. Go to the Preferences>Calendar page.

  2. Scroll to the Permissions section, select the Free/Busy option that youwant to set for this calendar.

    If you select Allow only the following internal users to see my free/busyinformation, in the text field enter the email address of the internalusers.

  3. (Optional) In the Invites section, specify who can invite you to meetings.

    If you select Allow only the following internal users to see my free/busyinformation, in the text field, enter their internal user names or fullemail address.

  4. If you limit who can invite you to meetings, you might want to select Sendto send an auto-reply to users who are denied from inviting me.

  5. Click Save.

These settings do not affect calendars that you have configured to notdisplay free/busy information.

Responding to a Meeting Invitation

Invitations to meetings are delivered to your Inbox, and if you have theCalendar preferences General>Default appointment visibility>Automaticallyadd received appointments to calendar enabled, the meeting is also added toyour default Calendar and marked New.

You can respond to the invitation either from the Inbox or from the Calendarpane.

  1. Open the message that contains the meeting request in either Inbox orright-click the appointment in the Calendar.

  2. Select whether you want to accept or decline the meeting. If you want topropose a new time, the meeting organizer receives an email with thesuggested time.

A reply is automatically sent to the meeting organizer.

After you respond to the meeting invitation, the invitation is moved to theTrash, and New is removed from the calendar notice.

Declined appointments display on your calendar in a faded view, as areminder of the meetings you declined. You can delete the declined meetingsany time.

Setting Email and SMS Reminder Notification

You can set up to have appointment and task reminders sent to you throughemail and as a text message to your mobile device. The reminder is sentaccording to the Reminder time that is configured in the task orappointment.

You can set notification up when you are working in a task or calendar pageand click Configure. A notification you set up or change from a task orcalendar page, changes the address or phone number in thePreferences>Notifications page. A notification is then sent to you aboutthe upcoming task or calendar even. You cannot set up different notificationaddress or SMS number for different tasks and calendar items.

Set up Email Notification

  1. Go to Preferences>Notifications.

  2. Enter the email address that should be sent the reminder.

  3. Click Save.

Set up SMS Notification

  1. Go to Preferences>Notifications.

  2. Select your country from the Region drop-down menu.

  3. Select your phone carrier from the Carrier drop-down menu.

  4. Enter your phone number in the Phone Number field.

  5. Click Send Verification Code. A text message is sent to your phone.

  6. Enter the code you received in the message in the Verification Code field.

  7. Click Validate Code. The Status field shows the confirmed number.

  8. Click Save.

Automatically add received appointments to calendar.

Email invitations sent to your Inbox can be automatically added to yourcalendar. You can accept or decline the invite from either the Inbox orCalendar.

When this option is not checked, the appointment is added to your calendarwhen you click Accept or Tentative in the message.

  1. Go to the Preferences>Calendar page.

  2. In the General section select Automatically add received appointments tocalendar.

  3. Click Save.

Show reminders

You can set up meeting reminders. The default is five minutes. You can alsochoose to Play a sound with the reminder. If your computer volume is setto mute, you will not hear a sound. Select Flash the browser title if youare working in a different browser tab or browser window and choose to havethe browser title flash to remind you.

  1. Go to the Preferences>Calendar page.

  2. In the General>Show Reminders section, set how many minutes beforemeetings to send you a reminder. This is the default and you can change itfor individual meetings.

  3. Select how you want to be notified about an upcoming meeting. Select any ofthese options.


    Play a sound

    You are notified by a beep. If you have your volume set to mute, you do nothear a sound. For this to work, you must have either QuickTime or WindowsMediaCenter installed.

    Flash the browser title

    You are notified by the browser title flashing.

    Show a popup notification

    Information about the message displays. You must have Yahoo!BrowserPlusinstalled.

    To get a copy, go tohttp://browserplus.yahoo.com/

Hide Declined Meetings in Your Calendar

When you decline a meeting, the meeting continue to display on your calendarin a faded view. You can set your preferences so that meetings you declinedo not display in your calendar.

  1. Go the Preferences>Calendar page, in the General section deselect Showdeclined meetings.

  2. Click Save.

Zimbra Web Client Help (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.